Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawaban
YOU HAVE ONE HOUR TO COMPLETE PARTS III, IV, AND V OF THE TEST READING In this section of the test, you will have a chance to show how well you understand written English. There are two parts to this section, with special directions for each part. Part III Directions: Question 51 – 70 are incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), (D), are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.
Contoh Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawabannya
Example Because the equipment is very delicate, it must be handled with - - - ( A ) c a r i n g S a m p l e a n s w e r ( B ) c a r e f u l ( A ) ( B ). (C) (D) (C) care (D) carefully The sentence should read, “Because the equipment is very delicate, it must be handled with care.” Therefore, you should choose answer (C). As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on the questions. - - - to several studies, 15 percent of the population under the age of 25 have taken up smoking. Forza horizon 2 pc torrent free download. (A ) Ac ce pt (B ) Wr it te n (C ) Ac cor din g (D) Det erm ined 52.
All keys for the store were - - - in a safe place behind the counter. (A ) Ke pt (B ) Gu ar d (C ) Ho ld ing (D) Displ ayed 53. Th e b uil di ng wa s t he - - - in the city. (A ) Mo re (B ) Mo st (C ) Bi gg er (D ) Tal les t 54. The marketing Department had no - - - plan for the new product.
(A ) abl e (B) sta tute (C) spe cif ic (D ) in pl ace. The student group asked to be left al one, to car ry ou t the ir me et ing without - - - (A ) fa il s (B ) bo xe s (C ) at tit ude s (D) inte rru ptio n 56. It is hard to find - - - people for low-paying positions. (A ) re new ed (B ) inv es te d (C ) val uab le (D) res pons ibl e 57. Air temperatures are - - - by wind and altitude, as well as by other factors. Eric clapton tears in heaven mp3 download skull. (A) ele men ts (B) det erm ine (C) eff ect ive (D) infl uenc ed 58.