The need to find a genuine Ghost Win XP and meet the requirements of each user is extremely difficult, many of you want to make a Ghost Win XP in their own style, you want Ghost Win XP No Soft, who wants Full Soft, who likes full Driver who is not. (probably probably can only make one copy for a person only) so the unification of general opinion about A Ghost Win XP for most people is extremely useful at this point. Anything Win XP that even Win 10 to get Ghost Win 10 like that is quite difficult, now update the latest Ghost Win 10. In this version of Ghost Win 10, you do not need to download and install some software needed for computer such as web browser, text editor software. Similar to Ghost Win 7, Ghost Win XP comes in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions; Depending on the allowable configuration of the device that users choose to download Ghost Win XP 32 or 64 Bit yourself. The process of Ghost Win XP is happening quite quickly, usually the user only need to spend 15 - 20 minutes to complete this process. With older devices this time around will be a bit longer as it still has to find and compare the drivers to see if it is compatible or not and the hardware configuration itself is not high reducing the machine's Ghost performance..